शमथ। Samatha
Are you satisfied with your life? If your answer is yes, ask yourself why. Did your mind give you any reason? If yes, ask yourself, “Will I be satisfied if that reason is not in my life anymore?” If your answer is yes to this question too your satisfaction is genuine. If your answer is no, you are with those who answered no to the initial question.
Are you someone who thinks that you are not satisfied because you do not have certain things in life? Your next question should be, “What shall I do to have what I want in my life?” It is not wrong to possess what you want. Stop looking elsewhere, thinking they had it easy. Thus you will be able to gather yourself. Two things happen at this point; your mind will be free of emotions like guilt and gain focus. The next step is to discover the purpose of what you will acquire. If you are unsure of this, you will not be able to achieve your desire. Whatever the purpose is, it should be for you and nobody else. The common mistake people make is to think that it is not for themselves but for someone else. They think it is noble to think so.
Begin to see everything in your life as the prelude to what you have set your eyes on. You are walking towards it, and it is walking towards you. It will stop moving if you stop your movement. This is why you have to be absolutely convinced about what you are seeking. Otherwise, your mind will get clouded, and you will stop the efforts midway. Many try to cover this up by quoting the phrases referring to the impermanence of materials. Such people will be more dissatisfied than they initially were.
You should not think of your desired life as something at a distance. It is within your home today. But you cannot fall back to your old ways of life. You have to give up the old habits to enjoy the new additions to your life. This will not be possible if you are too clingy. You have to accept that you cannot be everything at the same time. The most critical question at this point is,
“Am I ready to go all the way?” Say yes to this, and you will see all the difference it is going to make.
Feel Blessed
Swastham Shantam Sampurnam