When things don't seem to go your way, wait for your turn - Mahagathe

When things don’t seem to go your way, wait for your turn

शमथ। Samatha

Everything is available at your fingertips today; you do not have to wait anywhere. World is moving to a phase where anyone who has the means can have anything they want without waiting for it. Until recently even the most ruthless dictators could not dream of it. They too had to wait. But today even a person of minimal resources can instantly procure what they want. This has led us to a sense of entitlement.

A slight delay in our expectations causes blood pressure to shoot up and become anxious. Not only is this unhealthy for your body, but also for your socio-cultural environment. Your actions and behaviour, which are unconscious exhibitions of entitlement, can negatively influence people who rely upon you, especially the younger ones. This results in the development of an unhealthy pattern which will soon become the norm of the day. Not long ago people took a nap when they had a headache, but today even little children reach out to the medicine cabinet. Nobody sees anything abnormal in a child popping pills day after day.

Life does not allow entitlement. Nature has a long history of crushing such human fallacies from
time to time as it is not sustainable in the long run. On a microlevel, the sense of entitlement makes you miss out on life. You withdraw more and more into your tiny world which denies you human and elemental interaction. Secondly, you stick to your perceptions for want of new inputs. Thirdly under the garb of conserving time, you constantly engage yourself in what is exciting to you at that time. Fourthly, you become more and more self-absorbed making you distant from your own family though you are home all the time.

You do not have to forego the conveniences and comforts modern life offers. But do not be
relying on them so much that you forget who you are and how to feel. Waiting is a virtue human beings cannot eliminate however long we try. That will make us not human anymore. In nature, whether it is the birth of a child or the blossom of a flower have to wait. We belong to this nature. Changing it altogether is becoming somebody else, and this planet is not designed to sustain such an existence for very long.

Feel Blessed
Swastham Shantam Sampurnam

Mahagathe Foundation

Mahagathe Foundation Public Charitable Trust is a dynamic non-profit organization dedicated to foster a compassionate, inclusive, and just society. Established in 2016, our foundation operates across India, Nepal and US drawing inspiration from the timeless wisdom of the Sanatana Dharma and the teachings of the Vedas. Vision: Mahagathe Foundation envisions creating a caring and compassionate environment, accepting the continuity of existence. At Mahagathe, we envision a world where every individual has access to basic rights such as education, healthcare, food, housing, clothing, and clean water. We aspire to cultivate an environment that nurtures compassion and respects the interconnectedness of all existence.


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