Think less of you, and you shall find yourself on the way of the Whole. - Mahagathe

Think less of you, and you shall find yourself on the way of the Whole.

Think less of you, and you shall find yourself on the way of the Whole.

शमथ। Samatha

The more you think about yourself, the more you lose sight of what is around you. Does that
mean you should not think about yourself at all? It is indeed a Spiritual practice to contemplate
on the self, both lower and higher.

There are people who want everything to suit their needs. They constantly think in terms of
themselves in this regard. This creates a situation where you lose sight of yourself. You restrict
yourself to certain needs and wants you are familiar with or think are important to you, and want
everything to revolve around those. This distorts the reality around you.

As a result, not only do you become a dissatisfied person, the people around you too become
unhappy. This creates a toxic atmosphere in your home and in your space. Gradually you will
tend to believe that it is how things are meant to be and resign into a bitter life.

Life is rich and full. Each day brings forth with it the message of abundance. You have to look at
people, things and events as agents of this fulness. Existence does not lack anything. It is
complete. Start to appreciate those around you and what you have. You fill find yourself to be a
richer, happier and healthier person.

Feel Blessed
Swastham Shantam Sampurnam

Mahagathe Foundation

Mahagathe Foundation Public Charitable Trust is a dynamic non-profit organization dedicated to foster a compassionate, inclusive, and just society. Established in 2016, our foundation operates across India, Nepal and US drawing inspiration from the timeless wisdom of the Sanatana Dharma and the teachings of the Vedas. Vision: Mahagathe Foundation envisions creating a caring and compassionate environment, accepting the continuity of existence. At Mahagathe, we envision a world where every individual has access to basic rights such as education, healthcare, food, housing, clothing, and clean water. We aspire to cultivate an environment that nurtures compassion and respects the interconnectedness of all existence.


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