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Understanding must be sought

शमथ। Samatha Perceptions can make even an intelligent person dull. Change is constantly taking place around you and within you. Even the air you breathe undergoes change faster than you can think about it. In such a reality, what good is an individual who is full of perceptions! Every day new understanding

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You are not lost

शमथ। Samatha “I worked hard, but couldn’t reach anywhere”, “All my efforts have gone in vain”. We all have heard people talking in similar tones. Sometimes you have heard it from yourself too. ‘Not knowing’ is a very debilitating state for the mind, and it will start showing its effects on the

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Flutters in the mind makes you unsteady

Flutters in the mind makes you unsteady. शमथ। Samatha ‘Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Moe’, ‘Inky Pinky Ponky’, Coin tossing, etc are the go to spirit guides for many people. But what is the feeling behind going after these spirit guides almost every day? “I am unsure of myself”. Do not be satisfied with

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