Happiness is the Key to Open a Life Full of Abundance, and You are holding it right now. - Mahagathe

Happiness is the Key to Open a Life Full of Abundance, and You are holding it right now.

Happiness is the Key to Open a Life Full of Abundance, and You are holding it right now.

शमथ। Samatha

Life is a walk through symbolism, and Today is one such day that holds tremendous
significance, the beginning of a New Year. We join you in your celebration of hope and bless
you with the best that are waiting for you.
Today is the day of aspirations and resolutions. Look for a moment and see where they rise
from; from what you lacked in the previous year or from what you see as your true potential! If
the source is what you lacked, you are entering the New Year on a wrong foot. Stop right there
and look again.
You know yourself better than anybody else does. Forget what you lack, and be grateful for who
you are this moment. Do not freeze yourself in this moment, but see this moment bloom into
who you really are.
This is your key. From now on, every day you will use this key to unlock the world of abundance
waiting just for you. Do not miss it for anything else in the world.

Feel Blessed
Swastham Shantam Sampurnam

Mahagathe Foundation

Mahagathe Foundation Public Charitable Trust is a dynamic non-profit organization dedicated to foster a compassionate, inclusive, and just society. Established in 2016, our foundation operates across India, Nepal and US drawing inspiration from the timeless wisdom of the Sanatana Dharma and the teachings of the Vedas. Vision: Mahagathe Foundation envisions creating a caring and compassionate environment, accepting the continuity of existence. At Mahagathe, we envision a world where every individual has access to basic rights such as education, healthcare, food, housing, clothing, and clean water. We aspire to cultivate an environment that nurtures compassion and respects the interconnectedness of all existence.


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