Samagamam - Mahagathe
July 14, 2024 at 8:30 am Hyderabad Hyderabad


Samagamam is the coming together of those gathered together by the LORD in his compassion for the greater good of humankind.

Mahagathe Samagamam is a monthly activity where all the satsanghis come together to sing the glory of LORD. Samagamam helps us in being an attendant with devotion.

Samagamam of Mahagathe Ashram is based upon Dakshina Marga, Samaya Acaranam, where learning takes a significant position, as this is a school of Devotion and Knowledge as opposed to the emotional display of devotion. Hence ‘Right Knowledge’ is stressed upon.

While helping others we should not forget to help ourselves. In urban lives, what we lack most is peace of mind. We come together every month at a different home for Samagamam where we spend quality time in Meditation, Reflection, and Contemplation.


We would very much love to see you too enjoy the peace and tranquility that we enjoy in our lives. Won’t you be a part of our next Samagamam and experience the blessing that you are?