Ego never wins. - Mahagathe

Ego never wins.

Ego never wins.

शमथ। Samatha

What is ego? The simplest definition of ego is to be obsessed with oneself. “How am I doing?”
or “How did I perform?” sounds like genuine questions of self-improvement. But in people with
self-obsession, it is an open invitation to you to tell them how good they are.

If any action could have been perfect, the world would have come to a standstill. But the ego
does not think so. It will agree with you if you are talking about somebody else, but not in his or
her own case. They suffer from an exaggerated sense of perfection of the actions performed by
them. It takes no time for people to grow tired of them, but instead of reading the signs on the
wall, they will come with arguments like, “I am too good for them”, “I am way ahead of my time”,

Do you want to always hear others talk good things about you? Do you get irritated when your
shortcomings are pointed out to you? Are your memories limited only to your goodness? These
are signs of an egoistic personality. If you are one of those you must make the right efforts to
come out of it than going on justifying it. You do not have to be the centre of attention always.

Ego will only make you a laughingstock. It can never have the final laugh.
The inability to accept negative feedback blocks you from mending your ways, thereby closing
the road ahead of you. Being obsessed about your own performance makes you lose sight of
everyone else. You keep looking for your personal cheerleaders. Do not be limited by your ego
and get stuck where you are. Seek help if you have to, but choose the winning game, and that
can never be the game of ego.

Feel Blessed
Swastham Shantam Sampurnam