Desperation will not lead you to action. - Mahagathe

Desperation will not lead you to action.

शमथ। Samatha

Life comes alive in the most unexpected places. When every animal is running for shelter on a night of lightning and heavy rains, the plants find new vigour and vitality to their growth. But the potted plants inside your home guarded from the lightning and rains can never experience this.

It has to be out there on the ground where lightning strikes, soaking in the rain to experience this. Is your life full of familiarities? Are you averse to the unfamiliar coming into your life unexpectedly? Do not be. You will be like the potted plant decorating your living room.

Your growth does not depend on the familiar tap water that is given to you daily. It does not have what it takes to invigorate the sleeping modules inside you. Do not try to run away from the unfamiliar eventualities you come across in life. Be out there and face them. You will be swayed in all directions to the extent that you may feel you cannot find your feet. You may be bruised without which you will not gain strength within.

When you come out of it, new shoots would have sprouted in you and their growth will be faster than anything you ever imagined. Do not be a scared kitten for it sucks the life out of you. Not knowing what to do is not a crime, but not wanting to know what to do is a crime. It takes your life to a hole, a hole that is not made to sustain life. Don’t be that person. Always be ready for action. That will make you a desirable person at home and outside. If you keep thinking that situation is not right, you will never act. If you are not willing to learn, you will not act. If you think only of yourself, you will not have the drive to act wholeheartedly. Get out there and act right now.

Feel Blessed
Swastham Shantam Sampurnam

Mahagathe Foundation

Mahagathe Foundation Public Charitable Trust is a dynamic non-profit organization dedicated to foster a compassionate, inclusive, and just society. Established in 2016, our foundation operates across India, Nepal and US drawing inspiration from the timeless wisdom of the Sanatana Dharma and the teachings of the Vedas. Vision: Mahagathe Foundation envisions creating a caring and compassionate environment, accepting the continuity of existence. At Mahagathe, we envision a world where every individual has access to basic rights such as education, healthcare, food, housing, clothing, and clean water. We aspire to cultivate an environment that nurtures compassion and respects the interconnectedness of all existence.


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