Acting on anger and frustration is not going to bring you the desired results, but acting on a cool head is - Mahagathe

Acting on anger and frustration is not going to bring you the desired results, but acting on a cool head is

Acting on anger and frustration is not going to bring you the desired results, but acting on a cool head is.

शमथ। Samatha

Anger is taken as your birthright when it is you who gets angry with somebody else. You
consider it your privilege to be frustrated with somebody else. But how do you react when the
other is angry with you or frustrated with your actions? You just cannot understand them, can
you? You cannot stop wondering “After all what is all the fuss about!”

Anger and frustration spring from the same root; expectations not being met. The former is
active aggression while the latter is passive aggression. Both are sure to have not so
benevolent influence on your body. To stay angry or frustrated in the long term adds stress to
your body. It affects the way people look at you, making them uncomfortable. By keeping up
such an attitude, you make the atmosphere around you stale and uninspiring.

Be cool, be calm. Before you explode, listen to the other. Have an overall view of the situation
than being at the mercy of what you were expecting to happen. You may have your way with
shouting and screaming for some time, but within no time the situation turns hostile to you. If
you find yourself there, turn around. If you are not there yet, do not go there. If you continue to
be there, you cannot remain in control, because you are overwhelmed physically and
emotionally. You can and you must come out of it for your own good.

To stay calm in a difficult situation has a benevolent effect on your body, mind as well as the
other. It is possible only when you give yourself to the awareness that you are larger than what
you perceive to be you. Without such awareness, you may take calmness to be suppression. Do
not mindlessly suppress, do not mindlessly stay angry, do not mindlessly remain frustrated.

Feel Blessed
Swastham Shantam Sampurnam

Mahagathe Foundation

Mahagathe Foundation Public Charitable Trust is a dynamic non-profit organization dedicated to foster a compassionate, inclusive, and just society. Established in 2016, our foundation operates across India, Nepal and US drawing inspiration from the timeless wisdom of the Sanatana Dharma and the teachings of the Vedas. Vision: Mahagathe Foundation envisions creating a caring and compassionate environment, accepting the continuity of existence. At Mahagathe, we envision a world where every individual has access to basic rights such as education, healthcare, food, housing, clothing, and clean water. We aspire to cultivate an environment that nurtures compassion and respects the interconnectedness of all existence.


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