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Do not be weakened by bonds

शमथ। Samatha A lot of people often refer to an experience of not feeling free. They often complain that they lack the energy. What are they experiencing? They are experiencing a sensory overdrive. This is quite common as people identify with what they have. Family, career and social circle are the most common

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You cannot win love.

You cannot win love. शमथ। Samatha “I cannot live without them”, this is love for many. ‘Them’ usually represents a lover or one’s family. For a lot of people, ‘them’ is the end of their world and the centre of their universe. In times when everything seems to be going fine they

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Discipline yourself to be relaxed.

Discipline yourself to be relaxed. शमथ। Samatha “I have so much to do that I don’t know what to do”, familiar with that feeling? Have you asked yourself “Why”? Is it true that somebody is out there to get you by stressing you out? And have you unwittingly fallen into their sick

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