A vessel broken in anger cannot be put back together when your anger is no more - Mahagathe

A vessel broken in anger cannot be put back together when your anger is no more

A vessel broken in anger cannot be put back together when your anger is no more.

शमथ। Samatha

“Be yourself” is the most commonly heard self-help mantra these days. It is quite powerful but
can turn out to be the most dangerous self-destruction tool when used mindlessly. To be
yourself involves knowing what this so-called self of yours is.

If it is about giving free rein to all your attributes, you must be equally prepared for others not giving a damn about it. People live in an interactive world, whether it is face to face, over Facebook or through
videogames. Human beings need to interact in order to survive, even if you choose a dog or a
cat over another human being. And any interaction is governed by a set of rules or a common
understanding. Even in the virtual reality of a video game, this cannot be set aside, or your
avatar will not be able to move ahead.

Without having this understanding, you tend to think that you would have been better off as a
wild animal in a jungle. You look at the human race with contempt and judgment. You turn out to
be an angry individual, only to be consumed by your own anger. And what can you expect other
than chaos when you are not the only angry individual, but surrounded by angry humans who
dislike their very human form!

Do not be angry about who you are. You are not perfect as you are, and can be way more than
what you are today. It is not a failure to accept this and be open to learning. You do not want to
break anything unless it is absolutely essential.

Feel Blessed
Swastham Shantam Sampurnam